i belive , you respect india and hinduisam[ sanathana dharma]. but i request you, pls write about indian cast systam;reason of the converting.[brhamanisam killed pure hinduisam with semitic religions also.]
The mystery of the BJP bias on articles is as clear as day now. The author is married to a Hindu woman and has got awards from the most powerful BJP politican and another Hindu organization.
And to think how one expected reporters to be unbiased like scientists. My bad.
mr expat, who told that that the awards the congress govt gives..are unbiased? have you never heard the english media, on the nandigram violence? they cencored the entire episode!!! they got their rewards…..the padma awards.
Just wanted to thank you for the efforts that you have put into making us Indians our value. Am a big fan of yours.
On the passing, I also work for the Art of Living foundation. I am doing my Phd in chemistry at the Indian Institute of science and wish to become an art of living teacher, a writer and a researcher. (not necessarily in the same order)
dear francois sir, i have been reading your articles in the indian express…v need more journalists like you..i am a fan of yours n am proud to say that journalists like you still exist in our country!!take care…keep going
vous etes un pourri .un racist.avec ta peau blanc vous avez reussi marié une paapaathi. un gros con comme vous qui vie en tranquilité en inde.quel honte pour l’inde.
Good to see a different opinion than the usual indian media opinions ( mainly news paper like Hindu which claims to be secular meaning anti hindu!!) on india and hindus.You being a white man and christian giving your thoughts on the subject will be more accepted than native indian voicing the true hindu feelings. India is a great country and we respect all religions and we expect the same reciprocity from others that is all.
I read your article, translation of unpublished predictions by Nostradamus.
I like them all, but the question is that you also did the same thing in early 2000 and now again same post with some additions like name of leaders and some more stuff. So how to believe all this?
As the 2009 lok sabha results are out and BJP has fared very badly, so when this all is to be proved correct?
I highly appreciate your writtings. In India, “Secular” always blamed the Hiduism to retain power (politics, economical and social) and couldn’t understand the simplicity. A person like you have given the independent opinion with well research, the reality and simplicity of the religion. I respect you a lot.
I live in France since five years and also in Germany for some months, I have seen many Europeans who see “India” with their European Viewpoint[Even if they live in India from many years]..Even I see France with my Indian Viewpoint but… you are the first one I have seen who can see India From an Indian’s viewpoint….. Grate work…. I m impressed by your articles…
Coming from Europe, its amazing that you’ve understood India to levels that very few foreigners have understood. You truly understand what it means to say “india is tolerent, secular, etc”. I, from the bottom of my heart, applaud and appreciate you for that. Your deep insight has obviously led you to a certain understanding of India, and Hinduism. But, I also think that the Sangh Parivar’s ideas are just some extrapolations of yours. and i disagree with a some of those ideas. Though, you have understood, at a fundamental level, the idea of Indian secularism, and Indian tolerance, I believe you’re making some mistakes like the RSS. India is truly diverse. Hinduism means different things in different places of india. Thus, there is no one block called “Hindus”… this is the same mistake you seem to be making, just like the RSS. The RSS claim to the voice of the “Hindus”, but there are a 1000 different meanings to “Hindu”. Of these, which do they claim to represent? the RSS will never understand this… Thus, you’re analyses that “Hindus have had enough” and that this is responsible for godhra, kandhamal, etc, are inherently flawed, i think. there are changes in demographics in every part of india. such changes are natural, and India accepts, tolerates and respects such changes. It is because of this acceptance, that we have lasted so long. Its like what Darwin says, we have to evolve and adapt to survive. And India best exemplifies this…
we have pretty much forgotten that “science sans conscience n’est que ruine de l’alme” … that i feel is the difference between the rishis of yore and the thinkers and scientists of today
here is my 2 cents on a topic that should concern us all
F. Gauthier is just exposing crackots of right-wing propaganda a la Daniel Pipes and other neoconservative dumbos. His support of intellectual crooks like K. Elst places him clearly on an agenda entirely dedicated to oppose muslims and hindus in our Mother land India. India does not neeed these foreigner criminals. Moreover, Gauthier hasn’t understood the slightest spirit of Hinduism by his support to NAIT. All these guys (Elst, Gauthier) are just hate-mongers and they don’t care about India spirit.
I had always been following your writings which are always based on true facts and investigations.
I would love to read from you the present senerio of North East india which is infested by christian aggression, bangladeshi inflitrators, christian terrorism and danger from china and myamnar.
It was really nice to come across your blog. The content written about my nation is really touchy and a eye opener. Looking forward to read more.. Adding your blog on my blogroll. Thnx
Thank you Mr. Gautier, after visiting your site and reading some articles I have realized the propaganda of socialists and communists in India. Really, Thank you.
i love reading francois gautier’s.i have read some of your articles in Indian Express.for me you are the real secular hero. some might think that your views are anti muslim or anti christian.but you bring out the real facts boldly.i appreciate your fearless views.Hats off
By: Bandyopadhyay Arindam The world today could have been a much better place for all of us, had we all refrained from trying to prove the superiority of our own religion………..
This is an interview of “Father Johnson’ after his award by the Government of India for his exemplary work in India in enlightening the people in the path of the ONLY God. Father Johnson returned to the USA after 10 years of service, to uplift the people of India in the name of God. The interview was taken in July 2005 by a journalist in Houston, USA……
Welcome home Father. You have been in India for 10 years, where “our mission’ is still going on. Tell me Father, how is India?
India is a fascinating country, a land of contrasts. Modern India is the largest democracy, the budding economic superpower, with the second-largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world. India is also the only surviving ancient civilization with over one sixth of the world population. At one time, not so long ago, when Europe was in the “dark ages’ and America was not even “discovered’, India was a far advanced and developed country with a contribution of over 25% of world GDP till the 17th century and far advanced in all aspects of life, be it knowledge, philosophy, science, mathematics, arts, astronomy or navigation.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, (1850-1919), American poet and journalist, wrote “India – The land of Vedas, the remarkable works contain not only religious ideas for a perfect life, but also facts which science has proved true. Electricity, radium, electronics, airship, all were known to the seers who founded the Vedas.”
Dick Teresi, American author of “Lost Discoveries’ mentioned “Some one thousand years before Aristotle, the Vedic people asserted that the earth was round and circled the sun….Two thousand years before Pythagoras, philosophers in northern India had understood that gravitation held the solar system together, and that therefore the sun, the most massive object, had to be at its center….Twenty-four centuries before Isaac Newton, the Hindu Rig-Veda asserted that gravitation held the universe together….. The Sanskrit speaking people subscribed to the idea of a spherical earth in an era when the Greeks believed in a flat one…..The Indians of the fifth century A.D. calculated the age of the earth as 4.3 billion years; scientists in 19th century England were convinced it was 100 million years…”
Despite all its riches, history says that India never invaded any country. On the contrary, India has been repeatedly assaulted and conquered by numerous invaders and has been ruled by “foreigners’, first the Muslims and then the British for over a thousand years. India, before the advent of the British rulers, was a rich and prosperous country. Rev. Jabez T. Sunderland (1842-1936), Unitarian minister and reformer, wrote that “…when the British first appeared on the scene, India was one of the richest countries of the world; indeed, it was her great riches that attracted the British to her shores. For 2,500 years before the British came on the scene and robbed her of her freedom, India was self-ruling and one of the most influential and illustrious nations of the world ….. This wealth was created by the Hindus’ vast and varied industries.”
What about Hinduism as a religion?
Hinduism has a deep philosophical and spiritual heritage that has repeatedly mesmerized the world including western scientists, leaders and philosophers. Despite propaganda to the contrary, Hindus, like us, believes in one Supreme God but they do so in many forms, that helps to develop personalized relations. Hinduism is the oldest major religion in the earth with 900 million followers. Unlike monotheistic institutionalized, religions like Judaism, Islam or Christianity, it is not based on any single prophet or scripture, but allows its followers all the freedom to pursue God and Truth in their own way, while living harmoniously with all creation.
We know that the Hindus are tolerant of other religions. Recently, UNESCO pointed out that out of 128 countries where Jews lived before Israel was created, only one, India, did not persecute them and allowed them to prosper and practice Judaism in peace. Similarly the Zoroastrians, when driven out of Persia by Islam were given shelter by the Hindus in India and still coexist in India peacefully. Very recently, the Dalai Lama, driven from Buddhist Tibet, has been accepted with open arms. Such is the ethos of Hinduism and India.
I have heard that Mark Twain once said that “In religion all other countries are paupers; India is the only millionaire’. I have also read Arnold Toynbee’s writing “…at the religious level, India has not been a recipient; she has been a giver. About half the total number of the living, higher religions are of Indian origin’. What do you think about it?
We know India gave birth to religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. Hinduism, though the predominant religion, has, to quote Aldous Huxley, “never been a persecuting faith, have preached almost no holy wars and have refrained from that proselytizing religious imperialism which has gone hand in hand with political and economic oppression of colored people.’
What many do not know and I will not elaborate further for obvious reasons, is that there are researchers who think that the teachings of Jesus Christ have something to do with the ancient wisdom of Vedas. The Hindu concepts of “karma’, and “reincarnation’, which are part of the New Age Movement that we see today, were not unknown to Jesus.
Then Father, why do we need to convert people in India?
You see, we in the western world, have the “white man’s burden’ of civilizing the rest of the world. We also have the need and desire to spread the message of Christ, since we believe that it is the ONLY way to salvation and all other nonbelievers will go to hell. The faith in Christianity is being eroded in Europe and America. That is why our Pope on his visit to India said, “Just as in the first millennium, the Cross was planted on the soil of Europe, and in the second on that of the Americas and Africa, we can pray that in the third Christian millennium a great harvest of faith will be reaped in this vast and vital continent.’
Why do you target India?
India is the right country because Hindu Indians are generally peace-loving tolerant, law abiding people who are truthful and virtuous. India”s devotion to being good rather than being clever comes nearer the heart of a true civilization, said W. J. Grant, in his book, “The spirit of India’. The unsuspecting Indians have always welcomed everybody on their shore and still keep on doing so. You cannot say the same about a Muslim country or of communist China. You see Hindus are such naive – they go out of their way to say that “all religions are same – they all lead to God’. Christians and for that matter, no other religion, says that.
Where does your resource come from?
There are five major aid-giving countries, viz., USA, Germany, Britain, Italy and the Netherlands. According to the available data, in the last decade alone, foreign aid organizations received more than 2.5 billion dollars. This is only official statistics. According to the record and report of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, the statistics about the foreign aid being received by Indian Non Government Organizations shows that 80% of it is meant only for the Christian organizations that have been buying their ways into the Indian society and converting unsuspecting people under the guise of social service.
How powerful is Christianity in India?
Oh, though we are only 2.4% of the population officially, we have a large control over the country because of our economic invasion. You see, the present leader of the main political party-The Congress Party of India is a Roman Catholic with close contact with the Vatican. There are Christian Chief ministers in 5 out of 29 states. Because of the British rule of India, we have a large section of the leaders of India who look up to us. Believe me, we are the second largest land owners in India. We own and control 80% of the Indian media like NDTV 24*7, CNN-IBN ,AAJ TAK, THE TEHELKA etc and newspapers .The best example is how these media made a huge hue and cry over the Gujarat riots.Riots have happened everywhere in India.But in case of Gujarat riots, the reports were deliberately inflated,stories were built up and a systematic,planned malicious and slanderous campaign was launched against the NDA government. Inspite of the fact that India took giant leaps in progress in every field and there was a surge in National pride and self confidence for every Indian during their tenure,India’s Most Popular Government led by India’s Finest Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee was made to suffer shock defeat. We overtly or covertly have alliance with key political associations. So it is very easy for us to influence the right people.
You must have a very organized system?
Yes, we do. Have you heard about the Joshua Project? It identifies and highlights the people groups of the world that have the least exposure to the Gospel and the least Christian presence and shares this information to encourage pioneer church-planting movements among every ethnic group. The Joshua Project has identified the North India Hindi belt as “the core of the core of the core” because of its population density (40% of the Indian population- the states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh lies in this region); it is the religious hub of India; and it has the smallest Christian presence in India. Thus detailed plans have been drawn up to target India’s 75,000 Pin Codes.
The Seventh Day Adventists owes its Indian success to Canadian evangelist Ron Watts, President for the South Asian Division. When he entered India, in 1997, the Adventist Church had 225,000 members after 103 years of operations. In five years, he took it to 700,000.
Some methods used include the 10-Village and the 25-Village Programs, which involve five sets of laymen, under guidance from a regular pastor, who identify 10 or 25 villages in close proximity. Once the villages were selected, the teams would approach the leaders of each village and invite them to send two leaders to a 10-day seminar at a nearby resort, at the organization’s expense. It is before no time that the local leaders will then start working for our faith and organization. In 1998, there were seventeen 10-Village Programs and 9,337 were baptized. In 1999, forty programs were held and nearly 40,000 people baptized. Under the Christian Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y. Samuel Rajashekar Reddy, the Adventists shifted to a 50-village plan. They began baptizing at the rate of 10,000 persons per month and have increased it to 5,000 persons per day all over India.
The US-based Maranatha Volunteers International provides buildings for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They are committed to build 750 churches in 2 years in India. The Oregon based, Fjarli family have a goal to build 1000 churches at a rate of 1 per day.
How do you carry out conversion attempts?
You see the local people are so simple and naïve that they do not have any clue as what out motive or means are. We target mostly the poor, illiterate, tribal people because they are the easiest to convert. We do that by various means – we establish schools, hospitals that overtly or subtly promote our faith, we allure them with money or goods to the needy when they convert, we “stage’ miracle cures, we use our influence on the media, we use our experts in propaganda, we promote the influential people and so on. We use the money sent to us by unsuspecting religious and faithful Christians from all over the world. We have numerous NGO and AID organizations to funnel the money into the country. There are a great number of missionaries of various denominations who are working there, all literally competing for the most number of converts. The Southern Baptists alone are a group that has nearly 100,000 career missionaries in North India, all working to spread our “good word.”
We convince the “natives’ by our appearances and even use their own culture. A native converted person will continue to use his Hindu name so as not to alienate himself. Some of the numerous Catholic priests in Southern India dress like “sannyasis’ (monks), and call their organizations “ashramas’ (hermitage). This is to make Christianity more similar to the Vedic traditions. Bharat Natyam, the classical dance of India, is also taught in the Christian schools, but with Christian symbols and meanings replacing the Vedic. This is all in the attempt to actively sway Hindus over to Christianity. The Evangelical Church of India (ECI), established in 1954, targets the slums, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, in cities and villages. Its logo depicts a cross struck deep in a lotus, the seat of Hindu divinity.
Is the so called caste system in India an advantage?
The “Caste-ism in India’ is a boon to us. Though Varna or caste was once an essential part of the culture, based on occupation and vocational skills, which kept the civilization going for over 5000 years, caste-ism is a degenerated socio-political system now that has been declared illegal. However it is one big weapon against Hinduism. We have learnt from the colonial British that it is very easy to divide the population on the basis of caste and religion based politics and we use it to our own interest to the maximum. We join the anti-Hindu forces and help to keep the stigma of caste-ism alive for our own benefit. We target the “untouchables’ (the unprivileged people, that has so marvelously crafted to be a result of the Hindu religion and not the social system) and convert them in the lure of “liberating’ them. However I must confess that we maintain their “untouchability’ by not allowing them to mix with the general Christians, maintaining separate entry to churches and even giving them separate churches and cemeteries.
We also use opportunities that God gives us. During natural disasters like floods, earthquakes and the recent Tsunami, taking advantage of the need, we were able to convert successfully entire low caste villages in Tamil Nadu to Christianity with the lure of money and aid.
How successful are you in your conversion attempts.
Oh we are doing a good job. The Northeast Indian states like Assam, Nagaland, and Manipur, have witnessed a surge of nearly 200% in their Christian population in the past 25 years. Their grasp is so strong now that practicing Hinduism is forbidden in some areas. Hindus can no longer do worship or “puja’ in the open because of our influence. In another northeast state, Tripura, where there were no Christians at the time of India’s independence, 55 years ago, there are now over 120,000 today. The figures are even more striking in Arunachal Pradesh, where there were only 1710 Christians in 1961, but over 1 million today, along with over 780 churches. In the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, churches are coming-up every day in far flung villages and there is an attempt to set-up one near Tirupati, the world famous Hindu temple. Many of the North-East separatist movements, such as the Mizo or the Bodos, are not only Christian dominated, but also sometimes function with the covert backing of the missionaries. Christian Nagaland terrorists have been killing non-Christians for decades on end. More than 20,000 people have lost their lives to insurgency in Assam and Manipur in the past two decades. We understand that there are some social problems that crept up – the northeast states are the highest in India in terms of drugs and AIDS related problem – but we accept that as “casualties of war” –that should not deter us from our goal.
Do you face any resistance?
Of course we do. But we brand any resistance as “Hindu fundamentalism or militancy” and the media and our favorite leaders take care of the rest. We have set the mind of the unsuspecting population in a way, that whenever any of our people are harassed, attacked or killed, from any reason including their own faults, the blame automatically goes to these so called “Hindu fundamentalist and Communal Elements” and even though almost all of these instances are later proved to have nothing to do with these Hindu groups, the initial hue and cry that is raised makes sure the memories persist in the mind of the populace and the sympathy stays with us. There are instances when nuns have been proved to be raped by Christians, but the blames continues to stay with the Hindus.
Is there any legal barrier?
Yes there are some rules and laws that sometimes impair our activities. The Indian Supreme Court had declared that: “The right to propagate religion does not mean the right to convert… Conversion done under allurement, use of force and fraud in which the poverty or ignorance of the individual is taken advantage of, is not only undemocratic but also unconstitutional…Respect for all religions is the foundation of secularism whereas the seeds of conversion lie in religious intolerance.”. Anti conversion laws have been passed in various states. But as I said, we have our ways.
Sometimes the law does get us though. We had some instances where members of our faith have been convicted with resultant imprisonment or expulsion. As in churches all over the world, some clergymen have been penalized for cases of sexual exploitation, including pedophilia. But that does not deter us from our goal and our almighty Lord takes care of our soul.
How satisfied are you with the progress of the missions?
It is really satisfying. We find enormous pleasure in converting the Hindu “pagans’. However I wish we could do more. I wish I could say like St Francis Xavier, during the Goa Inquisition in 1560, “When I have finished baptizing the people, I order them to destroy the huts in which they keep their idols; and I have them break the statues of their idols into tiny pieces, since they are now Christians. I could never come to an end describing to you the great consolation which fills my soul when I see idols being destroyed by the hands of those who had been idolaters.”
Thank you, Father for your time and honesty. Thank you, my son. God bless you.
“Christianity offers nothing that is not already available somewhere in the many forms of Hinduism. Hinduism never rejected the teachings of Jesus. Those who have converted either agreed with a gun pressed at their skulls as in Goa, or because it provided an escape from caste tyranny, as well as a guaranteed professional advancement. Through its Vedic legacy, Hinduism respects all faiths. It clearly states that God is one, but has many forms”. (Paul William Roberts, author of, “Empire of the Soul: Some journeys in India’)
just few days ago i came to know about u mr. francois i wonder how i missed your thought over the years i became of a great fan of u just because u dont dare to say things although i wont accpet ideas of bjp i believe that what ever u said about hinduism is completely true
Mr Gautier, You are truly an inspirational writer who sees the issues very clearly and explains and dissects them excellently. If every Indian read and ingested your words properly, India would be a very different place. Please keep it up – India needs you. I also hope your words encourage more Indians to think and write in a similar manner to you as this would also be good for the country. No offence to you at all, as you are effectively an honourary Indian, but we also need indigenous Indians to think, understand and propound similar views and ideas as your own. However, the rub is that they need to to come to your same conclusions on their own and make them their own. Perhaps your writings will help them see the truth and they can pick them up and run with them. I am sure that you would want to see this too.
I am surprised the way some people have made a statement saying Christianity and islam have lead to a destabilized world. It is racist. I respect all religions and am a catholic. I agree we humans are not perfect. To generalize a group and spread hatred is racist. you can say some christians do this and that or some hindus do this and that. Do you know all christians? Do you know they are human beings like you? Well hinduism is a great religion and I respect you do not follow a religion cause it is old or new . It should speak to your spiritual self and you cannot hate. Christ speaks of love and compassion in his own words let you who is without sin through the first stone. It is not christians or muslims or hindus who are evil it is the human being who is. No religion asks to kill its how you interpret it. That said I do agree though I am not political Mr Francisis you are threading a political path based on money paid to you by RSS and VHP and other hindu orgs. BTW I voted for BJP when in India and love some of its leaders.if Mr Francisis could not be a good christian he may not be a good hindu as he sold his soul. I do agree no forced conversion should occur and some people who do it should stop. Let us not destroy churches that belong to inoncent christians cause we want revenge where is the compassion.what have they done to you Please read bible quran torah or gita of opposing faith before criticizing. Love each other my brothers I have cousins from inter religious marriage they are happy. You will now the truth whether Ram rahim or jesus lives only when you die there is no proof of god we all could be wrong. On that note spread love as christ and buddha did and compassion. Lets make a better world lets be rational and stop stereotyping why is belief so important in loving another human. I am sadened by people ( my fellow Indian bothers who do not understand hinduism and make such statements ) . Spirituality is not to master your mind only it is to make you a better person looking at fascist statements I have no doubt that people above making broad statements on hinduism and fascist ones would make horrible christians too. As the evil is in their soul filled with hatred and revenge and venom. In Gandhi’s words” If all christians followed the teachings of christ the whole world would be christian” I do not like all congress leaders but the BJP is political too its hindu wing the Shiv sena was attacking fellow north and south indians. That is how hate works. The truth is the RSS, VHP and wings are scared to lose vote bank of brain washed hindus. It wants diversion politics though some leaders are moderate. Fascism is fascism whether spread by hitler , al qaeda or VHP/RSS/Sangh parivar all for political again. If you are hindu stand up for whats right not cause it was said by hindu. Satya Meva Jayathe Jai Hind
THE FUTURE OF INDIA Every night in Kolkata children can be found sleeping alone and vulnerable on station platforms and in the surrounding areas. They are without their parents, thin and unkempt. Many are ill, all are vulnerable and most are exposed to serious forms of exploitation. They have little or no ability to change their lives. It is for children such as these that Future Hope India was established.
Your notes on the prophecies indeed shows rays of hope for Dharma on Earth. Stayed abroad for over 2 decades and come back to India;I want to say;this country’s politician community is 99% of them are immersed in corruption.Government is not delivering so people influence these corrupt ruling politicians to get even their genuine needs and rights done.The bureaucratic machinery;legislators to the bottom levels are selfish and corrupt to core.Unless this world is hit with a real bad economic recession and scarcity for business and money I believe Dharma would be progressing only slowly.
I must congratulate you for your earlier blog in which you mention about a correspondence by a Dewan of Jaipoor kingdom with one of his r. Dewan was witness to the famous “Agra summit” encounter between Chatrapati Shivaji and Aurangzeb mughal king on his 50’th birthday.
We all ardent Hindus know what happened on that historic day and what kind of treatment meted out to our great king and how proudly he refused the gifts and left the court in between.
ever since I read your blog, I was desperate to know actual account of the story but never found anything not a single page from any historic archives, but just yesterday one of Marathi news channel (ABP Maza) ran a detailed story about some authentic documents found in a museum in Jaipur “The correspondence document” and actual “Treay of Purandar”. All these documents are written Persian language.
Govt of Rajstan has decided to make photo cop of those document and its translation in hindi and English which is commendable efforts but sadly not a single Maharashtra politician, historian paid any attention to those invaluable heritage of our great king.
According to the museum keeper they made several attempts so people in Maharashtra can look at those historical documents and preserve and share it with common people who worship the great king.
Below is the URL of youtube video.In case you get any chance, do visit the museum and share the actual text with all your fans.
I saw your newslaundry interview where you talked about need to preserve knowledge of ancient India. Unfortunately most of it is in languages long forgotten.Sanskrit is almost finished, so is ancient Tamil. Most of our knowledge is in these two languages. However there are still few scholars in these languages.
I was wondering, if you could start a project to preserve and translate these texts in Hindi or English whichever is more convenient. If there already such project, kindly let me know.
Nice blog here! Also your site lots up very fast! What web host are you the use of? Can I am getting your affiliate hyperlink to your host? I want my website loaded up as quickly as yours lol
Its really true that now its hightime to revisit Nehru’s great work and try to undo some of his infamous legacy. Had we taken the UN permanent seat in 1950’s then the history could have been very different today!
Dear Shri Gautier, I am an ardent fan and follower of your blog. I have read many articles written by you in Indian Express. Very thought provoking and you always call a spade a spade. I eagerly await your views on David Headley’s revellations and the black smearing received by so called secular media now that the teen aged Ishrat Jehan has been linked to LeT
Dear Francois 50 Indians who are anti Hindus Interesting assessment.Great. I though myself to do one of IndiansINSIDERS, westerners OUTSIDERS who Are subtle enemies of Hindus,Hinduism India,starting from McCauley to other Indologists from UK,GERMANY,European Indologists, to now American Indologists,who twist Indias spirituality ,and the Vedas subtley to satisfy them,confuse Indias wisdom,HERITAGE,CUTURE,CUSTOMS,and thus destroy India forever.Total win for the Abrahmanic religions.
Nice to stumple upon ur blog ! been always a fan of your india specific writings !
take care .
wow!! Great book Guru of Joy!!
i belive , you respect india and hinduisam[ sanathana dharma].
but i request you, pls write about indian cast systam;reason of the converting.[brhamanisam killed pure hinduisam with semitic religions also.]
The mystery of the BJP bias on articles is as clear as day now. The author is married to a Hindu woman and has got awards from the most powerful BJP politican and another Hindu organization.
And to think how one expected reporters to be unbiased like scientists. My bad.
mr expat, who told that that the awards the congress govt gives..are unbiased? have you never heard the english media, on the nandigram violence? they cencored the entire episode!!! they got their rewards…..the padma awards.
Dear Francois,
Just wanted to thank you for the efforts that you have put into making
us Indians our value. Am a big fan of yours.
On the passing, I also work for the Art of Living foundation. I am
doing my Phd in chemistry at the Indian Institute of science and wish
to become an art of living teacher, a writer and a researcher. (not
necessarily in the same order)
I hope this mail reaches to you.
Thanks again
dear francois sir,
i have been reading your articles in the indian express…v need more journalists like you..i am a fan of yours n am proud to say that journalists like you still exist in our country!!take care…keep going
It is always a pleasure to read your article’s & unbiased views on secularism …
Hi Francois,
I am a BIG fan of your EYE OPENING articles on Rediff sometime back…
Great to cath up with your musings on the blogosphere. We ove a LOT to you and also to the internet for enabling to get knowledge.
Thanks a ton,
Sharat Joshi
Hello Mr. Gautier,
I am your fan & follow your articles… but except writing is there anything else in your mind that we should do?
vous etes un pourri .un racist.avec ta peau blanc vous avez reussi marié une paapaathi.
un gros con comme vous qui vie en tranquilité en inde.quel honte pour l’inde.
Good to see a different opinion than the usual indian media opinions ( mainly news paper like Hindu which claims to be secular meaning anti hindu!!) on india and hindus.You being a white man and christian giving your thoughts on the subject will be more accepted than native indian voicing the true hindu feelings.
India is a great country and we respect all religions and we expect the same reciprocity from others that is all.
Pls tell me where i can find yr articles and books in french language. Thanks a lot. LD
Hi Gautier,
I read your article, translation of unpublished predictions by Nostradamus.
I like them all, but the question is that you also did the same thing in early 2000 and now again same post with some additions like name of leaders and some more stuff. So how to believe all this?
As the 2009 lok sabha results are out and BJP has fared very badly, so when this all is to be proved correct?
Hello Mr.Gautier,
Please watch the video from the below links:
Islamic, Muslim Demographics in EUROPE (ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING).
Media in Sweden conspired to lie, Lilla Saltsjobadsavtalet.
Europastan: The Islamic Future of Europe
Let me have your opinion on the above videos and also interested to know how far it is true if so please do write on this.
God Bless You! Keep up your good work. We are thankful to you for whatever work you have done to save Hinduism.
I highly appreciate your writtings. In India, “Secular” always blamed the Hiduism to retain power (politics, economical and social) and couldn’t understand the simplicity. A person like you have given the independent opinion with well research, the reality and simplicity of the religion. I respect you a lot.
I love ur articles on debunking aryan invasion theory and discretion by media against hindus..
Keep going..
I live in France since five years and also in Germany for some months, I have seen many Europeans who see “India” with their European Viewpoint[Even if they live in India from many years]..Even I see France with my Indian Viewpoint but… you are the first one I have seen who can see India From an Indian’s viewpoint….. Grate work…. I m impressed by your articles…
Coming from Europe, its amazing that you’ve understood India to levels that very few foreigners have understood. You truly understand what it means to say “india is tolerent, secular, etc”. I, from the bottom of my heart, applaud and appreciate you for that.
Your deep insight has obviously led you to a certain understanding of India, and Hinduism. But, I also think that the Sangh Parivar’s ideas are just some extrapolations of yours.
and i disagree with a some of those ideas.
Though, you have understood, at a fundamental level, the idea of Indian secularism, and Indian tolerance, I believe you’re making some mistakes like the RSS.
India is truly diverse. Hinduism means different things in different places of india. Thus, there is no one block called “Hindus”… this is the same mistake you seem to be making, just like the RSS.
The RSS claim to the voice of the “Hindus”, but there are a 1000 different meanings to “Hindu”. Of these, which do they claim to represent? the RSS will never understand this…
Thus, you’re analyses that “Hindus have had enough” and that this is responsible for godhra, kandhamal, etc, are inherently flawed, i think.
there are changes in demographics in every part of india. such changes are natural, and India accepts, tolerates and respects such changes. It is because of this acceptance, that we have lasted so long. Its like what Darwin says, we have to evolve and adapt to survive. And India best exemplifies this…
kudos .. u r doing gr8 work …
we have pretty much forgotten that “science sans conscience n’est que ruine de l’alme” … that i feel is the difference between the rishis of yore and the thinkers and scientists of today
here is my 2 cents on a topic that should concern us all
F. Gauthier is just exposing crackots of right-wing propaganda a la Daniel Pipes and other neoconservative dumbos. His support of intellectual crooks like K. Elst places him clearly on an agenda entirely dedicated to oppose muslims and hindus in our Mother land India. India does not neeed these foreigner criminals. Moreover, Gauthier hasn’t understood the slightest spirit of Hinduism by his support to NAIT. All these guys (Elst, Gauthier) are just hate-mongers and they don’t care about India spirit.
I had always been following your writings which are always based on true facts and investigations.
I would love to read from you the present senerio of North East india which is infested by christian aggression, bangladeshi inflitrators, christian terrorism and danger from china and myamnar.
I had been following your writings which are based on facts and investigations.
I would love to read more and more especially on North East India and its multi dimensional problems and solutions.
It was really nice to come across your blog. The content written about my nation is really touchy and a eye opener. Looking forward to read more..
Adding your blog on my blogroll. Thnx
Thank you Mr. Gautier, after visiting your site and reading some articles I have realized the propaganda of socialists and communists in India.
Really, Thank you.
I saw you visiting my blog! Must confess it was a pleasure to get my words read by you. It will be great if I can get in touch with you!
Silly not to mention which blog. It’s http://www.jasviews.wordpress.com.
Dear bloggers,
Please peruse: https://francoisgautier.wordpress.com/2009/08/16/francois-gautier-custodian-of-india%E2%80%99s-historical-heritage/
i love reading francois gautier’s.i have read some of your articles in Indian Express.for me you are the real secular hero. some might think that your views are anti muslim or anti christian.but you bring out the real facts boldly.i appreciate your fearless views.Hats off
Interview of a Christian Evangelist in India
By: Bandyopadhyay Arindam
The world today could have been a much better place for all of us, had we all refrained from trying to prove the superiority of our own religion………..
This is an interview of “Father Johnson’ after his award by the Government of India for his exemplary work in India in enlightening the people in the path of the ONLY God. Father Johnson returned to the USA after 10 years of service, to uplift the people of India in the name of God. The interview was taken in July 2005 by a journalist in Houston, USA……
Welcome home Father. You have been in India for 10 years, where “our mission’ is still going on. Tell me Father, how is India?
India is a fascinating country, a land of contrasts. Modern India is the largest democracy, the budding economic superpower, with the second-largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world. India is also the only surviving ancient civilization with over one sixth of the world population. At one time, not so long ago, when Europe was in the “dark ages’ and America was not even “discovered’, India was a far advanced and developed country with a contribution of over 25% of world GDP till the 17th century and far advanced in all aspects of life, be it knowledge, philosophy, science, mathematics, arts, astronomy or navigation.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, (1850-1919), American poet and journalist, wrote “India – The land of Vedas, the remarkable works contain not only religious ideas for a perfect life, but also facts which science has proved true. Electricity, radium, electronics, airship, all were known to the seers who founded the Vedas.”
Dick Teresi, American author of “Lost Discoveries’ mentioned “Some one thousand years before Aristotle, the Vedic people asserted that the earth was round and circled the sun….Two thousand years before Pythagoras, philosophers in northern India had understood that gravitation held the solar system together, and that therefore the sun, the most massive object, had to be at its center….Twenty-four centuries before Isaac Newton, the Hindu Rig-Veda asserted that gravitation held the universe together….. The Sanskrit speaking people subscribed to the idea of a spherical earth in an era when the Greeks believed in a flat one…..The Indians of the fifth century A.D. calculated the age of the earth as 4.3 billion years; scientists in 19th century England were convinced it was 100 million years…”
Despite all its riches, history says that India never invaded any country. On the contrary, India has been repeatedly assaulted and conquered by numerous invaders and has been ruled by “foreigners’, first the Muslims and then the British for over a thousand years. India, before the advent of the British rulers, was a rich and prosperous country.
Rev. Jabez T. Sunderland (1842-1936), Unitarian minister and reformer, wrote that “…when the British first appeared on the scene, India was one of the richest countries of the world; indeed, it was her great riches that attracted the British to her shores. For 2,500 years before the British came on the scene and robbed her of her freedom, India was self-ruling and one of the most influential and illustrious nations of the world ….. This wealth was created by the Hindus’ vast and varied industries.”
What about Hinduism as a religion?
Hinduism has a deep philosophical and spiritual heritage that has repeatedly mesmerized the world including western scientists, leaders and philosophers. Despite propaganda to the contrary, Hindus, like us, believes in one Supreme God but they do so in many forms, that helps to develop personalized relations. Hinduism is the oldest major religion in the earth with 900 million followers. Unlike monotheistic institutionalized, religions like Judaism, Islam or Christianity, it is not based on any single prophet or scripture, but allows its followers all the freedom to pursue God and Truth in their own way, while living harmoniously with all creation.
We know that the Hindus are tolerant of other religions. Recently, UNESCO pointed out that out of 128 countries where Jews lived before Israel was created, only one, India, did not persecute them and allowed them to prosper and practice Judaism in peace. Similarly the Zoroastrians, when driven out of Persia by Islam were given shelter by the Hindus in India and still coexist in India peacefully. Very recently, the Dalai Lama, driven from Buddhist Tibet, has been accepted with open arms. Such is the ethos of Hinduism and India.
I have heard that Mark Twain once said that “In religion all other countries are paupers; India is the only millionaire’. I have also read Arnold Toynbee’s writing “…at the religious level, India has not been a recipient; she has been a giver. About half the total number of the living, higher religions are of Indian origin’. What do you think about it?
We know India gave birth to religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. Hinduism, though the predominant religion, has, to quote Aldous Huxley, “never been a persecuting faith, have preached almost no holy wars and have refrained from that proselytizing religious imperialism which has gone hand in hand with political and economic oppression of colored people.’
What many do not know and I will not elaborate further for obvious reasons, is that there are researchers who think that the teachings of Jesus Christ have something to do with the ancient wisdom of Vedas. The Hindu concepts of “karma’, and “reincarnation’, which are part of the New Age Movement that we see today, were not unknown to Jesus.
Then Father, why do we need to convert people in India?
You see, we in the western world, have the “white man’s burden’ of civilizing the rest of the world. We also have the need and desire to spread the message of Christ, since we believe that it is the ONLY way to salvation and all other nonbelievers will go to hell. The faith in Christianity is being eroded in Europe and America. That is why our Pope on his visit to India said, “Just as in the first millennium, the Cross was planted on the soil of Europe, and in the second on that of the Americas and Africa, we can pray that in the third Christian millennium a great harvest of faith will be reaped in this vast and vital continent.’
Why do you target India?
India is the right country because Hindu Indians are generally peace-loving tolerant, law abiding people who are truthful and virtuous. India”s devotion to being good rather than being clever comes nearer the heart of a true civilization, said W. J. Grant, in his book,
“The spirit of India’. The unsuspecting Indians have always welcomed everybody on their shore and still keep on doing so. You cannot say the same about a Muslim country or of communist China. You see Hindus are such naive – they go out of their way to say that “all religions are same – they all lead to God’. Christians and for that matter, no other religion, says that.
Where does your resource come from?
There are five major aid-giving countries, viz., USA, Germany, Britain, Italy and the Netherlands. According to the available data, in the last decade alone, foreign aid organizations received more than 2.5 billion dollars. This is only official statistics. According to the record and report of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, the statistics about the foreign aid being received by Indian Non Government Organizations shows that 80% of it is meant only for the Christian organizations that have been buying their ways into the Indian society and converting unsuspecting people under the guise of social service.
How powerful is Christianity in India?
Oh, though we are only 2.4% of the population officially, we have a large control over the country because of our economic invasion. You see, the present leader of the main political party-The Congress Party of India is a Roman Catholic with close contact with the Vatican. There are Christian Chief ministers in 5 out of 29 states. Because of the British rule of India, we have a large section of the leaders of India who look up to us. Believe me, we are the second largest land owners in India. We own and control 80% of the Indian media like NDTV 24*7, CNN-IBN ,AAJ TAK, THE TEHELKA etc and newspapers .The best example is how these media made a huge hue and cry over the Gujarat riots.Riots have happened everywhere in India.But in case of Gujarat riots, the reports were deliberately inflated,stories were built up and a systematic,planned malicious and slanderous campaign was launched against the NDA government.
Inspite of the fact that India took giant leaps in progress in every field and there was a surge in National pride and self confidence for every Indian during their tenure,India’s Most Popular Government led by India’s Finest Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee was made to suffer shock defeat. We overtly or covertly have alliance with key political associations. So it is very easy for us to influence the right people.
You must have a very organized system?
Yes, we do. Have you heard about the Joshua Project? It identifies and highlights the people groups of the world that have the least exposure to the Gospel and the least Christian presence and shares this information to encourage pioneer church-planting movements among every ethnic group. The Joshua Project has identified the North India Hindi belt as “the core of the core of the core” because of its population density (40% of the Indian population- the states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh lies in this region); it is the religious hub of India; and it has the smallest Christian presence in India. Thus detailed plans have been drawn up to target India’s 75,000 Pin Codes.
The Seventh Day Adventists owes its Indian success to Canadian evangelist Ron Watts, President for the South Asian Division. When he entered India, in 1997, the Adventist Church had 225,000 members after 103 years of operations. In five years, he took it to 700,000.
Some methods used include the 10-Village and the 25-Village Programs, which involve five sets of laymen, under guidance from a regular pastor, who identify 10 or 25 villages in close proximity. Once the villages were selected, the teams would approach the leaders of each village and invite them to send two leaders to a 10-day seminar at a nearby resort, at the organization’s expense. It is before no time that the local leaders will then start working for our faith and organization. In 1998, there were seventeen 10-Village Programs and 9,337 were baptized. In 1999, forty programs were held and nearly 40,000 people baptized.
Under the Christian Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y. Samuel Rajashekar Reddy, the Adventists shifted to a 50-village plan. They began baptizing at the rate of 10,000 persons per month and have increased it to 5,000 persons per day all over India.
The US-based Maranatha Volunteers International provides buildings for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They are committed to build 750 churches in 2 years in India. The Oregon based, Fjarli family have a goal to build 1000 churches at a rate of 1 per day.
How do you carry out conversion attempts?
You see the local people are so simple and naïve that they do not have any clue as what out motive or means are. We target mostly the poor, illiterate, tribal people because they are the easiest to convert. We do that by various means – we establish schools, hospitals that overtly or subtly promote our faith, we allure them with money or goods to the needy when they convert, we “stage’ miracle cures, we use our influence on the media, we use our experts in propaganda, we promote the influential people and so on. We use the money sent to us by unsuspecting religious and faithful Christians from all over the world. We have numerous NGO and AID organizations to funnel the money into the country. There are a great number of missionaries of various denominations who are working there, all literally competing for the most number of converts. The Southern Baptists alone are a group that has nearly 100,000 career missionaries in North India, all working to spread our “good word.”
We convince the “natives’ by our appearances and even use their own culture. A native converted person will continue to use his Hindu name so as not to alienate himself. Some of the numerous Catholic priests in Southern India dress like “sannyasis’ (monks), and call their organizations “ashramas’ (hermitage). This is to make Christianity more similar to the Vedic traditions. Bharat Natyam, the classical dance of India, is also taught in the Christian schools, but with Christian symbols and meanings replacing the Vedic. This is all in the attempt to actively sway Hindus over to Christianity. The Evangelical Church of India (ECI), established in 1954, targets the slums, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, in cities and villages. Its logo depicts a cross struck deep in a lotus, the seat of Hindu divinity.
Is the so called caste system in India an advantage?
The “Caste-ism in India’ is a boon to us. Though Varna or caste was once an essential part of the culture, based on occupation and vocational skills, which kept the civilization going for over 5000 years, caste-ism is a degenerated socio-political system now that has been declared illegal. However it is one big weapon against Hinduism. We have learnt from the colonial British that it is very easy to divide the population on the basis of caste and religion based politics and we use it to our own interest to the maximum. We join the anti-Hindu forces and help to keep the stigma of caste-ism alive for our own benefit. We target the “untouchables’ (the unprivileged people, that has so marvelously crafted to be a result of the Hindu religion and not the social system) and convert them in the lure of “liberating’ them. However I must confess that we maintain their “untouchability’ by not allowing them to mix with the general Christians, maintaining separate entry to churches and even giving them separate churches and cemeteries.
We also use opportunities that God gives us. During natural disasters like floods, earthquakes and the recent Tsunami, taking advantage of the need, we were able to convert successfully entire low caste villages in Tamil Nadu to Christianity with the lure of money and aid.
How successful are you in your conversion attempts.
Oh we are doing a good job. The Northeast Indian states like Assam, Nagaland, and Manipur, have witnessed a surge of nearly 200% in their Christian population in the past 25 years. Their grasp is so strong now that practicing Hinduism is forbidden in some areas. Hindus can no longer do worship or “puja’ in the open because of our influence.
In another northeast state, Tripura, where there were no Christians at the time of India’s independence, 55 years ago, there are now over 120,000 today. The figures are even more striking in Arunachal Pradesh, where there were only 1710 Christians in 1961, but over 1 million today, along with over 780 churches. In the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, churches are coming-up every day in far flung villages and there is an attempt to set-up one near Tirupati, the world famous Hindu temple. Many of the North-East separatist movements, such as the Mizo or the Bodos, are not only Christian dominated, but also sometimes function with the covert backing of the missionaries. Christian Nagaland terrorists have been killing non-Christians for decades on end. More than 20,000 people have lost their lives to insurgency in Assam and Manipur in the past two decades. We understand that there are some social problems that crept up – the northeast states are the highest in India in terms of drugs and AIDS related problem – but we accept that as “casualties of war” –that should not deter us from our goal.
Do you face any resistance?
Of course we do. But we brand any resistance as “Hindu fundamentalism or militancy” and the media and our favorite leaders take care of the rest. We have set the mind of the unsuspecting population in a way, that whenever any of our people are harassed, attacked or killed, from any reason including their own faults, the blame automatically goes to these so called “Hindu fundamentalist and Communal Elements” and even though almost all of these instances are later proved to have nothing to do with these Hindu groups, the initial hue and cry that is raised makes sure the memories persist in the mind of the populace and the sympathy stays with us. There are instances when nuns have been proved to be raped by Christians, but the blames continues to stay with the Hindus.
Is there any legal barrier?
Yes there are some rules and laws that sometimes impair our activities. The Indian Supreme Court had declared that: “The right to propagate religion does not mean the right to convert… Conversion done under allurement, use of force and fraud in which the poverty or ignorance of the individual is taken advantage of, is not only undemocratic but also unconstitutional…Respect for all religions is the foundation of secularism whereas the seeds of conversion lie in religious intolerance.”. Anti conversion laws have been passed in various states. But as I said, we have our ways.
Sometimes the law does get us though. We had some instances where members of our faith have been convicted with resultant imprisonment or expulsion. As in churches all over the world, some clergymen have been penalized for cases of sexual exploitation, including pedophilia. But that does not deter us from our goal and our almighty Lord takes care of our soul.
How satisfied are you with the progress of the missions?
It is really satisfying. We find enormous pleasure in converting the Hindu “pagans’. However I wish we could do more. I wish I could say like St Francis Xavier, during the Goa Inquisition in 1560, “When I have finished baptizing the people, I order them to destroy the huts in which they keep their idols; and I have them break the statues of their idols into tiny pieces, since they are now Christians. I could never come to an end describing to you the great consolation which fills my soul when I see idols being destroyed by the hands of those who had been idolaters.”
Thank you, Father for your time and honesty.
Thank you, my son. God bless you.
“Christianity offers nothing that is not already available somewhere in the many forms of Hinduism. Hinduism never rejected the teachings of Jesus. Those who have converted either agreed with a gun pressed at their skulls as in Goa, or because it provided an escape from caste tyranny, as well as a guaranteed professional advancement. Through its Vedic legacy, Hinduism respects all faiths. It clearly states that God is one, but has many forms”.
(Paul William Roberts, author of, “Empire of the Soul: Some journeys in India’)
just few days ago i came to know about u mr. francois
i wonder how i missed your thought over the years
i became of a great fan of u just because u dont dare to say things
although i wont accpet ideas of bjp i believe that what ever u said about hinduism is completely true
Sir you and this blog are both awesome and honest,and I intend to reach each and every post here
Mr Gautier,
You are truly an inspirational writer who sees the issues very clearly and explains and dissects them excellently. If every Indian read and ingested your words properly, India would be a very different place. Please keep it up – India needs you. I also hope your words encourage more Indians to think and write in a similar manner to you as this would also be good for the country. No offence to you at all, as you are effectively an honourary Indian, but we also need indigenous Indians to think, understand and propound similar views and ideas as your own. However, the rub is that they need to to come to your same conclusions on their own and make them their own. Perhaps your writings will help them see the truth and they can pick them up and run with them. I am sure that you would want to see this too.
i have enjoyed what you have written and completly appreciate the time you have spent writing and educating people
I am surprised the way some people have made a statement saying Christianity and islam have lead to a destabilized world. It is racist. I respect all religions and am a catholic. I agree we humans are not perfect. To generalize a group and spread hatred is racist. you can say some christians do this and that or some hindus do this and that. Do you know all christians? Do you know they are human beings like you? Well hinduism is a great religion and I respect you do not follow a religion cause it is old or new . It should speak to your spiritual self and you cannot hate.
Christ speaks of love and compassion in his own words let you who is without sin through the first stone. It is not christians or muslims or hindus who are evil it is the human being who is. No religion asks to kill its how you interpret it. That said I do agree though I am not political Mr Francisis you are threading a political path based on money paid to you by RSS and VHP and other hindu orgs.
BTW I voted for BJP when in India and love some of its leaders.if Mr Francisis could not be a good christian he may not be a good hindu as he sold his soul. I do agree no forced conversion should occur and some people who do it should stop. Let us not destroy churches that belong to inoncent christians cause we want revenge where is the compassion.what have they done to you Please read bible quran torah or gita of opposing faith before criticizing. Love each other my brothers I have cousins from inter religious marriage they are happy. You will now the truth whether Ram rahim or jesus lives only when you die there is no proof of god we all could be wrong.
On that note spread love as christ and buddha did and compassion. Lets make a better world lets be rational and stop stereotyping why is belief so important in loving another human. I am sadened by people ( my fellow Indian bothers who do not understand hinduism and make such statements ) .
Spirituality is not to master your mind only it is to make you a better person looking at fascist statements I have no doubt that people above making broad statements on hinduism and fascist ones would make horrible christians too. As the evil is in their soul filled with hatred and revenge and venom. In Gandhi’s words” If all christians followed the teachings of christ the whole world would be christian” I do not like all congress leaders but the BJP is political too its hindu wing the Shiv sena was attacking fellow north and south indians. That is how hate works. The truth is the RSS, VHP and wings are scared to lose vote bank of brain washed hindus.
It wants diversion politics though some leaders are moderate. Fascism is fascism whether spread by hitler , al qaeda or VHP/RSS/Sangh parivar all for political again. If you are hindu stand up for whats right not cause it was said by hindu.
Satya Meva Jayathe
Jai Hind
abhijeet | July 10, 2011 at 5:20 pm |
THE FUTURE OF INDIA Every night in Kolkata children can be found sleeping alone and vulnerable on station platforms and in the surrounding areas. They are without their parents, thin and unkempt. Many are ill, all are vulnerable and most are exposed to serious forms of exploitation. They have little or no ability to change their lives.
It is for children such as these that Future Hope India was established.
Your notes on the prophecies indeed shows rays of hope for Dharma on Earth.
Stayed abroad for over 2 decades and come back to India;I want to say;this country’s politician community is 99% of them are immersed in corruption.Government is not delivering so people influence these corrupt ruling politicians to get even their genuine needs and rights done.The bureaucratic machinery;legislators to the bottom levels are selfish and corrupt to core.Unless this world is hit with a real bad economic recession and scarcity for business and money I believe Dharma would be progressing only slowly.
Very nice to know about you!
I must congratulate you for your earlier blog in which you mention about a correspondence by a Dewan of Jaipoor kingdom with one of his r. Dewan was witness to the famous “Agra summit” encounter between Chatrapati Shivaji and Aurangzeb mughal king on his 50’th birthday.
We all ardent Hindus know what happened on that historic day and what kind of treatment meted out to our great king and how proudly he refused the gifts and left the court in between.
ever since I read your blog, I was desperate to know actual account of the story but never found anything not a single page from any historic archives, but just yesterday one of Marathi news channel (ABP Maza) ran a detailed story about some authentic documents found in a museum in Jaipur “The correspondence document” and actual “Treay of Purandar”. All these documents are written Persian language.
Govt of Rajstan has decided to make photo cop of those document and its translation in hindi and English which is commendable efforts but sadly not a single Maharashtra politician, historian paid any attention to those invaluable heritage of our great king.
According to the museum keeper they made several attempts so people in Maharashtra can look at those historical documents and preserve and share it with common people who worship the great king.
Below is the URL of youtube video.In case you get any chance, do visit the museum and share the actual text with all your fans.
Dear Sir,
I saw your newslaundry interview where you talked about need to preserve knowledge of ancient India. Unfortunately most of it is in languages long forgotten.Sanskrit is almost finished, so is ancient Tamil. Most of our knowledge is in these two languages. However there are still few scholars in these languages.
I was wondering, if you could start a project to preserve and translate these texts in Hindi or English whichever is more convenient. If there already such project, kindly let me know.
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Great site. How I missed this so long!
Nice Blog… Keep going !
God Bless you
Its really true that now its hightime to revisit Nehru’s great work and try to undo some of his infamous legacy. Had we taken the UN permanent seat in 1950’s then the history could have been very different today!
Dear Shri Gautier, I am an ardent fan and follower of your blog. I have read many articles written by you in Indian Express. Very thought provoking and you always call a spade a spade. I eagerly await your views on David Headley’s revellations and the black smearing received by so called secular media now that the teen aged Ishrat Jehan has been linked to LeT
Beautiful work francois…. thanku … i did’nt know about it ….. its true that hinduism is in danger…. but we will not let it be destroy…..
Dear Francois
50 Indians who are anti Hindus
Interesting assessment.Great.
I though myself to do one of IndiansINSIDERS, westerners OUTSIDERS who
Are subtle enemies of Hindus,Hinduism India,starting from McCauley to other Indologists from UK,GERMANY,European Indologists, to now American
Indologists,who twist Indias spirituality ,and the Vedas subtley to satisfy them,confuse Indias wisdom,HERITAGE,CUTURE,CUSTOMS,and thus destroy India forever.Total win for the Abrahmanic religions.
do u have any twitter A/c ?