, & Nuclear Blackmail

Do you know why the USA will be the most pleased by Mr Narendra Modi’s lighting surprise visit to Pakistan? Because the one thing that Barack Obama and many European leaders fear the most in South Asia, is that Islamabad launches a nuclear war against India to regain Kashmir. In fact the present Paki President, Nawaz Sharif had contemplated such a move during the Kargil war and was dissuaded by Bill Clinton.
But the truth is that Pakistan does a clever nuclear blackmail to the West to get more subsidies and weapons: “if you do not put pressure on India to negotiate Kashmir, there might be a nuclear war”. I doubt that Pakistan will ever launch a nuclear war on India, as India has a much superior arsenal and Pakistan will be decimated, but the blackmail works.
So Is Mr Modi trying to please the Americans? Or is he attempting to do what no Indian PM has succeeded in – make peace with Pakistan? But Pakistan wants Indian Kashmir at all costs, because it feels it should have come to Islamabad in 1947. They will not budge. Mr Vajpayee thought too, that his Lahore trip was an epoch breaking move. But while he was going to Lahore, all smiles, Musharraf sent his soldiers to occupy the heights of Kargil. What do you think, boys and girls???


2 responses to “, & Nuclear Blackmail

  1. It is not very easy to comment on this yet. I mostly agree with you on what most people in Pakistan think about Kashmir. I only hope Modi is not making a wasted effort.

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